She’s Not A Senior

She is not a senior this year, although she was last year and I was fortunate to take photos with Madi then and now.

I had a couple of hours one a Saturday morning and had talked to the owners of a local bar if they would mind if I took some photos there before they opened. I saw a video with Joe McNally where he was shooting in a bar somewhere out west. He had a crew of people and at least a van load of equipment. I had a couple of flashes and a wireless set up to get them off camera. As for Mad,  just so happened the owner of the bar is her mom.

When I got there I set things up, shot a few and then remembered I had my laptop with me. I grabbed it from my truck and tethered it to my camera. The photos looked good, so I flipped the screen around so Madi could see the images pop up as I took them.

I like the color in these photos a lot. It was the first time I had been in the Village Tavern since it had been remodeled. The blue lights under the bar along with the orange in the wall really complimented each other. Pulling the blinds helped drop the overall lighting of the background and a flash or two made the model pop.

We spent about an hour taking the photos. I had a wedding to get to so that was about all we had. I’ve shared a few of my favorites here and on my facebook page.

I hope you like them and if you have senior or even a “not senior” and are interested in photos please contact me.