Josh and Kelly’s Unforgettable Trophy Mountain Lodge Wedding at Williamsburg Mountain near Raystown Lake

I had the honor of DJing this incredible event, even though my location didn’t allow for capturing the ceremony. Thankfully, we had a beautiful day, defying the earlier 70% rain forecast.The wedding ceremony kicked off with a unique twist, featuring a lively entrance to Michael Jackson’s ‘Billie Jean’ and some impressive moves by the ‘flower dudes,’ especially considering one of them was recovering from two broken feet.This was no ordinary ceremony; it drew inspiration from the cult classic movie ‘The Big Lebowski,‘ released in 1998.The festivities moved indoors for the reception, where a delightful cookie bar stole the show (I admit, I sampled quite a few – purely for research purposes, of course). We introduced the wedding party with a fun dance to LMFAO’s ‘Party Rock Anthem,’ and the bride and groom made a memorable entrance to the theme from ‘Halo 2,’ a unique choice that had the crowd energized.After a brief meal delay, we made speeches and handled the formal dances. In a departure from the usual cake-cutting tradition, they had a creative twist. Two glass containers were set at the head table, one with the bride’s name and one with the groom’s. Guests were encouraged to donate to one container, and the goal was for the one with the most money by a specific time to smash cake into the other’s face. The bride emerged as the clear winner, as we all anticipated.Following the meal, we only had the father-daughter dance left, and then the dance floor was alive with energy. The dance floor saw constant action throughout the evening, except for a few brief breaks for outdoor photos.Meanwhile, my wife was busy operating our photo booth, and we wrapped up the festivities around 10 pm.”For more info please contact me on the contact page.