
Sissy & Tyler – Wedding

Another wedding trip to Union Grove LLC near the City of Broad Top PA. This time, for the first time all wedding season, something was different. It was a beautiful day. We’ve had the pleasure of participating in weddings at Union Grove several times this year. One we had rain, one we had fog and one was HOT. This time, mid 70’s and sunshine for the most part. I guess after the sun went down it did rain just a bit.

For this wedding, again, I was hired as the DJ, but Woodline Photography had the photo duties, I just snapped a couple here and there. With the beautiful backdrop of Trough Creek Valley in the background the ceremony area was decorated with purple and white flowers. This to match the different shaded of bridesmaid dresses. All of which looked great.

Wedding time was set for 3:30 and the bridesmaids were busy with last minute details when I arrived around noon. There were more flowers to be added down the rows of seats,  the guestbook and bubbles needed attention but all was under control.

Bill Benson, who I had the honor of being on the same Pee Wee Football team (Mapleton Mustangs) was doing the service. He does a great job and Has been at at least two other weddings where I have been present this year. This time he knew both the bride and groom for many years. I believe he said he coached the bride in softball many years ago. With Bill in command of the service it went without a flaw and the couple was pronounced man and wife. First kiss and down the aisle as the new Mr. & Mrs. Taylor.

After the wedding the guests moved inside and waited for the introductions, special dances and the meal.  This went pretty much as planned. I was positioned upstairs in the loft of the building. I wasn’t sure how it would work with me being there, but I think I got some decent shots from there.

We played dance music until 11 and then said good night. Thanks to the couple for letting me be a part of this day and I wish them many many years of happiness.